
이번 주 도움이 되었던 것들(2)

sidongmen 2020. 9. 13. 19:52


1. JSX.IntrinsicElements


Typescript complains Property does not exist on type 'JSX.IntrinsicElements' when using React.createClass?

I am using typescript to write redux application. var item = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (

hello world
) } }); export default class ItemList extends



Your component must start with a capital letter I instead of small letter i otherwise TypeScript would yell. Changing item to Item should fix it





2. 스크롤뷰 하단까지 도달 시 이벤트


Detect ScrollView has reached the end

I have a Text with long text inside a ScrollView and I want to detect when the user has scrolled to the end of the text so I can enable a button. I've been debugging the event object from the onSc...






3. Navigation 버전 5에서 파라미터 pass


React Navigation 5 pass params to screen inside nested navigator

We are migrating an app in React Navigation 4 to React Navigation 5. The project has a BottomTabNavigator which has for one of its routes a nested TopTabNavigator with three tabs. One of the tabs i...





4. Sequelize Group By & Join


Using group by and joins in sequelize

I have two tables on a PostgreSQL database, contracts and payments. One contract has multiple payments done. I'm having the two following models: module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes) ...



4. 익스프레스와 Socket.io를 같은 포트





How to use ExpressJS and Socket.io on a same port?

In the third version of ExpressJS express.createServer() changed to express() this changes makes difficult to bind socket.io on a same port. Maybe somebody could find robust decision. Now, this do...
